Summary: One day Jesus is coming. He brings his reward with him. He will repay with unbelievably humongous dividends to the faithful. What was done in secret, will be rewarded.
The apostle John, while sitting on the island of Patmos closed off the book of Revelation by quoting Jesus Christ, “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.”
One day Jesus is coming. He brings his reward with him. He will repay with unbelievably humongous dividends to the faithful. What was done in secret, will be rewarded. A prayer offered for a child in secret will be rewarded. An act of compassion to a lost and straggling sheep, will be rewarded. That extra effort and intentionality that was placed in preparation for a Sunday school lesson, by faith, will be rewarded. He is coming soon and his reward is with him.
Oh that we would have discerning eyes to see the special way we could minister on any given day. I want to see where his love is most needed, and be moved by the Holy Spirit to administer the healing salve of Jesus Christ on a wounded soul. Ask where you could be used, this week, in the life of a kid. Faithfully obey God’s leading in the small things. No one knows how your joyful greeting to a kid in your small group just might mean. By faith, in the Lord, I believe it will be rewarded. The apostle John closes the book of Revelation which also closes off the entire Bible by saying these words, “He who testifies to these things says, Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come Lord Jesus! His reward is with Him.