Summary: Retaining volunteers starts with training volunteers. It is needed, but no one wants to commit to frequent, lengthy meetings.

You know the value of training volunteers.  You need to do it. You want to effectively train volunteers so they feel prepared and not just feel like a warm body.

You know serving can have a great impact on THEIR life and make THEM better as a person. You want THEM to learn, grow and experience the joys of serving.

But no one is willing to show up to another evening meeting. Those who do show up could probably lead the meeting for you!  But there is a catch. In order to RETAIN leaders, you have to TRAIN leaders.

Here is the thing – do you realize that I am acting as a friend and mentor to you – RIGHT NOW through this video.  I have given my heart to God and asked Him if I can help you.  I mean that.  It is true.  Training is needed.  But you do not have to hold ANOTHER EVENING meeting.

The Lead Volunteers Course provides you access to dozens and dozens of ready to implement “Training Without the Meeting” videos. Doesn’t that sound so appealing? Training that happens WITHOUT an evening meeting.

I want you to reap the rewards of the wealth of content inside the Lead Volunteers Course. I want you to join today and make training volunteers and every aspect of volunteer leadership easier.

LEADVOLUNTEERS exists to help ministry leaders get organized, stop the revolving door of volunteers, and prevent personal ministry burnout.

Summary: Feeling ill-equipped and afraid is common! But we can take steps toward being a better leader even today.

Do you want to hear a secret and hidden reality in my life? I am basically scared and lack confidence that I can do great things.  I am being 100% honest and vulnerable with you right now.

I often feel like an ill-equipped junior high student who is frail and afraid.  I bet you feel this way from time to time as well.  In your quieter moments, you wonder if you have enough personal leadership to make it happen in your context.

Let me stop all misconceptions right now. You feel this way. The person at the stoplight next to you feels this way. The clerk at the grocery feels this way.

If you feel ill-equipped and afraid…guess what…you have just confirmed something important…YOU ARE A HUMAN BEING on planet earth.

You want volunteers to KNOW the blessing of serving.  But you wonder if YOU have what it takes to lead them there. Even after all these years of volunteer leadership, you still have this fear.  Guess what? So do I.

Let’s make a deal: Let’s remember we are human. Me and you will be human together and own our fears. However, we will take steps TODAY to get better.

I know that it may not seem like a huge deal, but I am on your side. I am willing to be in your corner. I have created something that could really help you and I want you to have access to it.

I want to boldly invite you to join our community today. Come and be a part of the Lead Volunteers family.  Go to today and kick start YOUR growth as a leader.

Summary: If you have an event on Friday night … Sunday is still coming. You may constantly feel the looming pressure of finding volunteers. Grow yourself as a leader so you can better meet the demands of your ministry.

Do you want to know something that NEVER ever quits?  Want to know something that no amount of money, effort or vision can stop? There is something out there that science cannot stop.

Here it is: No matter what, Sunday is ALWAYS coming.  If you have an event on Friday night…Sunday is still coming.  If you hold a week-long outreach to the community, Sunday is still coming.  Every 7-days we need to have roles to fill.  It never ends.

You constantly feel the looming pressure of finding volunteers.  In all honesty, it seems like an unrealistic task.

When volunteers feel overwhelmed, they quit. You as a ministry leader don’t get the luxury of just quitting. Sunday is relentlessly marching toward you. You have that constant pressure of not having enough people to meet the demands of your ministry.

Listen, I get it. I have lived it for over 10 years in the trenches of local church ministry. There is a better tomorrow, however.  Sunday is always going to be just 7 days away each and every week.  You CANNOT change that.

You can, however, change the depth of the personal leadership INSIDE of you. It starts, in part, by taking steps toward your personal growth. It starts by moving the needle forward just a little more.  But you may wonder what you would need to do to make that type of growth will happen in your life.

I want you to consider joining the family of leaders who have access to the Lead Volunteers Course.

You need a pathway for your growth.  We have carved a path for you.  I want you to join the Lead Volunteers today.

Let’s do this.  Let’s make your life and ministry more exciting, more fulfilling and more manageable.   Join today.

Summary: Leading volunteers is hard, tiring work. Lead Volunteers can help you get immediate personal progress and get back to the work of ministry.

Volunteer leadership is hard. Without question, the number one challenge for those in ministry is volunteers. As I travel all over the country, I hear the stories of pain as it relates to volunteers all the time. I have sat with leaders who are just tired.

If this sounds all too familiar, you are experiencing a good case of the normals. But if nothing changes, nothing changes.  Let me say that again. If nothing changes, NOTHING changes. Do you want to experience the same year of volunteer challenges you experienced last year? If not, something has to change. If nothing changes, however, nothing will change moving forward.

You have heard of the definition of insanity, right?  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. You MUST break the cycle and do something different or nothing will change for you.

Listen. You are in this for the greater good.  Stop right now, take a deep breath and relax.  I want you to consider how the Lead Volunteers course work could meet some of your deepest ministry needs.

When leaders carve out just a little pocket of time and jump into the Lead Volunteers material, they begin to see immediate personal progress.

I want you to consider how much it is costing you to NOT have access to the Lead Volunteers Course. I want to help you build a better and more sustainable tomorrow.

I invite you to join the Lead Volunteers Community today.  Let’s do this.  Go to and sign up today.

Summary: Lead Volunteers is a self-paced course where you can continually make progress but on your own terms.

I have been very aggressive about my own personal growth. I have invested in very expensive courses to get more knowledge and skill. One factor that always intimidates me when thinking about getting a course is time.

You may have been concerned about the time involved in a course like this. You may have had hesitations about how much work it might take. First, let me say that things that take hard work usually have great payouts in terms of skills gathered. The Lead Volunteers course has been laid out in very succinct and bite-sized chunks. We have made it simple. It would be rare, in my opinion, for someone to get the course and plow right through all the content in one massive setting.

In education, there is an important concept called, “Soak Time”. The brain learns best through fast paced and intense learnings. Then the brain can subconsciously crunch that new information – even while you sleep. We want to have you join the Lead Volunteers Learning Community. However, you can work at your own pace. We WANT you to take your time and do a few lessons at a time. But, we want you to keep making progress. This self-paced course is built for you to GROW in the midst of your busy ministry life.

What do ya say? Are you ready to make this jump? Join me TODAY. Let’s take the plunge and start learning together through the material.

Summary: You need a community of those who are experiencing the same things, striving toward the same goals, and even learning the same valuable lessons.

So you signed up to learn more about Lead Volunteers. Cool. You checked out the free stuff we offered. You are intrigued with the thought of practical and “Done For You” resources. But that is not all.

You need a community. You need to surround yourself with those who are experiencing the same things, striving toward the same goals and even learning the same valuable lessons you are learning. You want communication from friends to remind you to keep going. Sometimes we all just need a good and friendly kick in the pants. You need a friend in your corner. You not only need a reminder of why we do this, BUT you also a reminder of HOW to do this.

That is this video. I am reminding you that YOU WANT to have your life as a leader be easier. One way I can help you is to BOLDLY tell you to join the Lead Volunteers learning community today. I know it is an investment. It is not only a financial investment. It WILL BE an investment of your time. It WILL be worth it. Join me. Join me and join the Lead Volunteers Learning Community.

Summary: The Lead Volunteers course covers far more than the basics. If you put in the work, you will be pushed and you will grow in your leadership.

When stepping into getting a resource like Lead Volunteers, you may have fears that the time and resources invested may not pay off. You may wonder if this thing is real and tangible. Will this thing result in volunteers sticking around longer?

Well, I have two things to say: First, I did not create this course to rehashes the basics. I did not endeavor to give you another 101-level course where nothing was new. You do not need basic reminders of the same-old-same-old. Honestly, you need to be pushed. You need 301 and 401-level learning.

This leads me to the second thing I need to say: investing in the course DOES NOTHING for you if you do not do work. As they say, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink”. I agree. However, I am not even here to lead you to water. I want to make you thirsty. If I do NOTHING ELSE, I want to make you thirsty for the Lord and thirsty to be a better tool in His hands.

Are you thirsty yet? Let’s jump in. Let’s push toward a BEST tomorrow. I am asking you to do hard work. It will be fulfilling. Stop waiting. You have looked at this resource so many times. It is time to join the Lead Volunteers Learning Community today. This is our one and only life. Let’s seize the day and make a level-jump in our leadership.

Summary: You are committed to your growth. You are committed to making and investment in leadership. Join Lead Volunteers to unlock what we have for you.

If you are viewing this video, you are committed to your growth. You are committed to making an investment in solutions for your leadership. But in order for them to work, you have to place an effort.

Growth is never easy. It is an uphill climb. I heard it said, “If you are coasting, you are going downhill.”

Clicking to LEARN MORE about the Lead Volunteers material was a good start, however, I do not want you to just scratch the surface of this material. There is so much great stuff right behind that button to join. I want you to unlock what we have for you.

Here is what I know to be true: The leader inside of you has been awakened. You are hungry for higher-level learning. You want more. You are on your way to becoming a top-shelf leader. What about today? Seriously. Could we make a move today? Are you ready to pull the trigger and jump into the Lead Volunteers Learning Community? Do it and join me on the inside.

Summary: Conferences are great for being inspired and recharged, and gaining ideas for ministry. If you need to go deeper, get help in specific ministry solutions, and have resources ready for you, join Lead Volunteers.

I am a huge fan of conferences. Going to a conference for me was so valuable. I got inspired and recharged. I went to all the volunteer breakout sessions. Maybe you did too. But here is the thing. Those breakout speakers get 45 minutes to communicate to you. Trust me. I have been that breakout speaker who wanted to have 20 hours of face-to-face of coaching meetings with each person. I live for that stuff.

But conferences do not really allow for that type of depth. We just need more. That is why I am so glad that you could join me on this leadership journey through the Lead Volunteers material. Together we can dial into specific solutions. WE GET TO GO DEEPER than I have ever been able to go with any 45-minute break out that I have led.

I wanted to give you what I always wanted: Ready to implement, downloadable resources. I wanted to give you quality materials that are modifiable, editable and ready to plug in right now. So here we are. I have worked super hard so that we could meet together just like this. There is so much we could do together and it is literally just behind the door. I am asking you to consider again becoming a member in the Lead Volunteers Learning Community. Join today and let’s go.

Summary: Are you looking for a plan that is actionable and can be instantly implemented? Lead Volunteers is Done For You - download resources and start today.

I have been in ministry for a long time. Like you, I would go to a conference and get all fired up about how I was going to revolutionize my approach to volunteers. I had HEARD some great things.

Do you want to know the reality that I experienced? I came back to an inbox filled with urgent needs. I came back to the reality that Sunday was just around the corner. What I really needed was something that did not take a ton of planning. However, THAT RESOURCE DID NOT EXIST. So, I built it myself.

When I endeavored to build this course, I did not want a DIY or “Do-It-Yourself” type resource. Ain’t nobody got time for that!? I wanted to give you something that could be instantly implemented. I wanted to give you a DFY resource. What I needed all those years ago was a “Done-For-You” Resource. What I needed from those conferences was a plan that was ready to roll.

I have worked and worked so you could have actionable things to download and DO this very Sunday. I want to remind you that you could have this resource. I built this for you. Let’s leverage it together. Join the Lead Volunteers community today.